
Saturday, December 15, 2007

The litmus test for the world’s future is immigration

Just who is moving where and why? All the politicians and pundits and media and academia and religions in both the east and the west can pontificate, talk, and even legislate. Some might even care, though many don’t. But what many normal human beings are doing is immigrating in this most wrenching human decision. And it is always for the basic reasons: economic security for them and opportunity for their children, police security, and comfort in cultural numbers in their destination country and culture.

And the world always has reactionaries. The present group of mullahs issuing fatwah’s and such intended to return to their 7th century standards reminds many of an older catholic church imposing such standards as the sun rotates around the earth. In the meantime, the tide of humanity rolls on.

One can learn that the magnet that attracts such humans is something to be pleased with, and worth both preserving, and even building. Mostly this is western culture, with a particularly new world bent. Mostly it is the USA, but it is also the entire new world. That Peru elected a president with the name Alberto Fujimora is another hint, even if he was a crook.

While we can leave the old world by coming to the new world, we cannot leave our humanity. Much friction has come out of this. Governments, revolutions, books, poetry, songs, art, and even politics still reflects things like boys and girls are different, cultures are always suspect to each other even to the point of cleanliness to protect the kids, and trust in other cultures is almost impossible unless the receiving culture, in our case the USA, can trust the most basic instincts like respect for the law, respect for our new world constitution, and respect for the common English language. Given the infatuation with anything “anti” the old culture our “greatest generation” passed on to us, it is amazing our cauldron of turmoil is still attracting the immigrants that are coming, illegally, and legally.

And mostly the amazement is on the toleration of the receiving end, our American culture. The rise of gangs from young immigrants provides such an example. And being tolerant costs public monies, as in taxes, and increased public medical costs. Some hospitals are going out of business because of this. Some of this toleration is killing some Americans. In the same vein, we in the new world can demand others in the old world meet our standards in order to do business. Safety issues like food for humans and pets, toys for kids, manufactured drugs, tools and metals that meet building standards, and even meeting safe building standards without payoffs are a big deal.

The classic argument about integration, be it the races in America in the old days, or the cultures in America these days, is how fast? We always seem like we are in hurry politically speaking. I still wonder why. There is at least one alternative. That alternative is to hold to standards, and let time take its course. The kids will sort out most of it their way, and the adults will provide standards and guidance.

This idea is so old fashioned, it might sound like new. Meantime, the tide of immigration rolls on. This citizen expects our USA politicians will still let us be in charge of all this. If they don’t let us be in charge, or even show that they care, then let us vote them out and vote others in. Those who seem to want to seek “world” positions should go elsewhere. After all, the tide is rolling, and it is coming the new world way. We in the new world, the citizens today who live here today, should have much to say about this. And like the immigrants, it is also about our future, our family’s futures, and our own security.

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