
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Is ruling America a political sport, or something more serious?

Just who is in charge? The politicians and pundits, or citizens who vote and read and listen and watch? Another way to ask is: are we citizens or politicians?

Then there is the fear of many that silliness from many fellow citizens will allow themselves to be led astray. The corollary is that many self appointed elites will assume the mantle of overseer, and govern us as best they see fit. Somehow, I think the whole situation is much better than that, though some may not have the word, be they silly citizens or elites assuming the mantles.

It is distressing that virtually all pundit and media reports have an underlying theme of political sport or even political war in covering the many frictions in our country. It is as if that is the way things are and always have been, and upon this assumption, one can comment much as an expert ESPN sports commentator. One analogy that works for many is comfort with the way we grew up: keep the weather and environment the same since it was good enough for me. How naïve since the world went on before us, and there were some pretty good things going on then that benefit us today, and should in the future. This applies to animals and humans, by the way.

America is a big deal in the world, and the world’s history. The immigration stats alone say so. Those social scientists and politicians with the best intentions and theories can try to have their way, but so can we citizens as a whole in doing more fundamental things like advancing our families and jobs and communities. Ruling America is not a political sport, it is much more important than that … to us as citizens, and to the world as a whole.

For those who think this is noble political diatribe, they may be correct. For those that think there are fundamental shifts about that changes how things are thought about and voted on, they may be correct, too. While I go with the latter, our country’s future is more important than the political sport of today.

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