
Monday, January 13, 2014

Stand by for heavy rolls

Stand by for heavy rolls

       The expression is old time Navy when the ship we are on is going to do some predicted rock and rolling

            Having been thru this drill in real life (vice some riveting  movie), one often hopes the designers got it right about designing the ship's ability to right itself when rolls can get to over 45 degrees (like walking on the walls is more convenient). Sometimes it does not right itself for various reasons, including the sea state and the design. Such things as ships sinking during  some terrible storms of our past comes to my mind. It can happen, and has happened. Those thoughts and imaginations always lurk in many people's minds, both before, during, and after.

            There is something pure about being informed ahead of time about possible hard times.

            These can be hard times that threatens my life, and demands we all work together as best we can to survive if things get really bad. Albeit this often happens even without our leaders, who usually do try help the effort in their own minds. At least they gave us a heads up, like were honest.

            In other words, we all are on our own to do the best we can as things may unfold.

            Said another way, our officers above us may have failed because they even get us in this predicament, and now we have to do our collective bit to survive, like keep the ship afloat. The rest of living and one's problems, are suddenly a lower priority.

            The analogies to today's time are appearing more similar to me, especially since I have already experienced heavy  rolls while at sea.

            Hence will our present political leaders give us a heads up, a warning if you will, or will they just risk the ship sinking in hopes it does not?  Only time will tell.

            As for me, I like being informed, and not treated like a barking seal or a trained monkey in some animal show.

            My continued survival until death by old age, and my Families opportunities for a happy future, is still a commanding priority, to me. In my mind, I still want my ship of state to upright if it experiences heavy rolls.

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