
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First Draft of a Monterey Defense Plan

First Draft of a Monterey Defense Plan

This a first draft plan. All are invited to improve it as a way to better get defense of Monterey improved. Now improve it is just that. It does not mean suggesting other missions.


Situation:  There has been a general collapse of society (TEOTAWAKI - the end of the world as we know it)

Mission: Provide for a common defense of Monterey and its citizens as step one of making things better both in Monterey and the Nation.  Defense of Monterey can include a medical defense.


1)  Defend by roadblocks the five key avenues of approach to Monterey

            A) They are I 40/US 70 from the west, I 40/US 70 from the east, access on Hanging Limb Road, access on Clarkrange Road, and the intersection of Livingston Highway and Wood Cliff Road. Sample planning maps are provided to help determine just where to locate road blocks.

2)  Establish a reaction force/mobile patrol to cover all other smaller access lanes.

3) Assign responsibility for all this to the City Government and the Mayor.

4)  Establish zones of defense that include each major avenues of approach.

5)  Establish nearby bed down places/occupied quarters in each zone for people not on watch to eat, sleep, stay out of the weather, and form the basis for a first reaction force.

6) Establish mandatory quotas for filling the force. It is assumed the police can head each zone's defense (1 person), but the "draft" should take 11 people once a month and from the zone to form the basis of defending roadblocks. Figure 4 hours on and 20 hours off, which will take 6 people, add in one supernumerary, and 4 more extras to add to the rotation and cooking. Add in one day to transition into the force, and one day to transition out of the force. People may extend on the force, also.

7)  Defense will include turning people back from where ever they came, or even escorting them through Monterey several times a week or more.

Administration and Logistics

1) The mayor is responsible for ensuring the draft system works acceptably and safely (including training).

2) Weapons of any satisfactory kind for Monterey defense and the ammo will be provided by those drafted.  That may change over time. Each draftee will bring their own clean clothes and bedding.

3) All problems will be resolved by the mayor through each zone's commander.

4) Clean food and liquid will be provided by each zone for its own zone's people.

5)  The city of Monterey will provide for the base of the mobile forces facility, and the food and liquid. Members will bring their own weapons and ammo.

6) People coming to Monterey will be met and escorted from the road blocks by their Monterey sponsors.

7)  Road blocks will use any materials and means available, and will probably be improved over time.

8) Anyone able bodied who lives within the city limits of Monterey is subject to being drafted. Exceptions for youth and old people and infirmities can be made.

9) Those living near Monterey should consult with their local zone commander  about integrating  with that zone. In turn, the local zone commander must consult with their boss before any other actions might take place.


1) Unless we can recharge batteries for communication radios, the primary form of communication will be by messenger.

2) Secondary communications can be by comm wire (if it exists) and military telephones, mobile radios, and sound systems like sirens.

3)  The mayor will communicate with the fire department as required.

4)  The mayor will review and publish once a year a report of how things are going. This report is available for any adult to review, and will be written by September 1st of each calendar year. An automatic extension is approved for the first year of getting things going.

5) Appeals of the mayor's decisions will be to the city council.

6) Refusal to helping defend Monterey will result in expulsion by the city council.

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