
Saturday, January 11, 2014

This rises to the level of impeachment

This rises to the level of impeachment

       Here is a link to the subject:

            After all, impeachment is better than revolution. One can imagine chaos ensuing if this comes to pass. Rather a good leader would reinforce all the better options.

            And if "they" can selectively enforce laws (or even just make new rules up as bureaucrats) , so can we citizens comply with the laws we want to comply with, and discard and ignore those we choose not to comply with.

            Make up your own mind.

            I don't think most citizens will finance with their work and taxes to build enough new courts and prisons to even try enforce this crazy memo. Imagine Uncle Harry or Aunt Sue going to prison for all this. Imagine you going to prison for all this.

            Consider home schooling, too.

            Now in fairness, I suspect implementation and enforcement of such a policy will vary all over the place. So don't throw the baby out with the bath water, as the old saying goes.

            Wait and see might be a good option for a voter where you live.

            Educating our children is a sacred responsibility for any parent.  Indoctrinating our children is setting them up for failure later in life if we substitute indoctrination for education, like the 3 R's. Our children are our and their future. Is that simple enough?

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