
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The beginning of the end

The beginning of the end

       One alternative is the end of the beginning

For sure, things are changing.

That the change is mostly prompted by a bottom up method seems to become more apparent to this old voter and citizen. The obvious alternative is top down, which is risky at best.  After all, the traditional top down approach got us into the mess we are in circa 2014. Simply said, our present elected leaders and their hired minions have failed us, in my opinion.

Now many people will die at an accelerated rate as a result. A classical example is a combination of setting up the people to get sick, and simultaneously reducing the existing infrastructure's ability to try handle any pandemic that results. Only time will tell, as always. Usually being underfed leads to diseases that are not usual in better times. Lack of vaccinations can be another contribution.

And there are lesser alternatives, too. Consider ideas like revolt, or a muddle through approach, a third party approach, impeachment, or even a Nuremburg type war crimes trial where mostly bureaucrats and military types were tried years after WWII ended.  The elected loser leaders (and many appointed people, too) often committed suicide back then.  Only time will tell how it all sorts out in today's century. Yep, we are all accountable in the end,  one way or the other.

Some combination will probably be what sorts out, and depending on where one lives. Even consider a half century of Russian attempted domination of then East Germany, and their failure thereof. Nobody can keep a people down in the long run, to include even trying to change them and their long established culture and values  in a short time, like many decades.

But for sure, the times around the world they are changing. Expect many surprises, too.

And it is typically driven by simple things, like life for all people, including our own Families, and prospects and opportunities for a better future than what we adults personally already have; which has been pretty good in the USA so far. Trust, faith, and confidence is also always important to any successful culture.  Those in our past have done pretty well getting us there many would say. Now we should try maintain it as best we can, I would suggest. Lord knows, we have plenty of existing infrastructure things to finance and work on.

Can things be better? Of course. The best idea is how to get "there" in a timely manner. Even regional wars can end in thrifty smart ways. So can mother nature type events. Even nuclear contamination will wear out over time, like centuries.

Anyone, either as an individual or an idea or part of a loyal party, who wants to do otherwise or ignores reality is barking up the wrong tree. These kinds of things, including  getting in a hurry,  will end up in the dustbins of history like so many before.

And anyone can make mistakes. Trying to force one's beliefs and timeframes on others is another thing altogether. Trying to do so by using new laws and decrees is egregious to so many in the USA.

So how will it end up? For the better I suspect most will hope. Too many good things have already happened that can't be "walked back", as the old saying goes.

Even etiquette training as necessary will come back, I also think.

Now do expect some hard times in the meantime, too.  I suspect such hard times may last a while, like well over a year, maybe two. And most probably our remaining children will never forget. Expect the old time death rate for children to come back if times get hard, like 3 out of 4 don't make it past age 4. And also most probably those adults remaining alive won't forget, either. It will be a big number, too. Where I live people still remember the USA Civil War like it was yesterday, for one example.

To conclude, things will get better. Just how quickly (if it even gets hard for many more)  is up for grabs. I would suggest one do their best to make it happen sooner,  rather than later, and in their own way, and where they live. And if times don't get hard, do your bit anyway.

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