
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Let me beat a dead horse

Let me beat a dead horse

       This is an old time expression

Why should my death be up to luck about my health care plan some others in present political power decide for their own reasons, and even decide  the present health care plans for mine and my Family's future?  And I am supposed to even pay and work for their laws and regulations? And if they still expect me and my Family to die early then that is a fighting subject, at least to me.

That is also just a crazy and absurd thought and idea, at least to me.

So if my premise  or worry is even correct, why are many  humans like lemmings going over the cliff to their and our prospective  fate of poorer health care and early and terrible deaths.

The quick answer is that seems to be what is happening, and the reporting and objection is appallingly badly reported, at least to me. I know a bad deal and poor sales pitch when I see it, smell it, and sense it. Propaganda  and spinning news  and poor reporting doesn't work well on me, and I suspect many others. Death and a terrible death is more understandable to me.

If the alternative of Obamacare  is my future, I choose another alternative,  like  accepting the present health care, and making some electricity and growing some food, for example. At least that might work until my federal government may choose to go after that alternative, or we revolt to change things. Such is my imagination these days.

Any experienced leader will listen to those he or she leads because they have to. Never-the-less some don't.

Pitchforks in the streets, ala the French Revolution, are becoming more believable, to me.  To even suggest this idea in the USA is amazing and  embarrassing  to me in 2014.

Of course, impeachment is becoming more an option more than ever. But many doubt the courage and political judgment of the present elected members of our federal legislature, which we can change as early as 2014, and may.

Keep in mind we the people  can impeach Obama and many of his hired minions, even after he leaves federal office as President of the United States in 2016. This applies also to our legislatures and their hired staffers, too. Think of a Nuremburg war crimes trial years after the end of WWII, for example.

In the meantime, I'll  just beat a dead horse.

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