
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Exploration of North America

Exploration of North America

       A wiki link on the subject can be found at:

            Depending on where one lives, there is plenty of evidence still being found of the various explorations in North America.

            Actually, some of it was less exploration and more settlement and even using bases for business reasons, like salting cod fish for sale in Europe and elsewhere.

            And much of Central and South America was explored in similar ways, or so the theory and discovery goes.

            It also depends on how far back one wants to go. And if one goes far enough back in time, even the local area may have looked different then than it does now.

            Here's several examples.  Lake Chad in Africa is a small version of what it was at one time.  The Sahara Desert was once a lush land, and the Amazon rain forest was once more desolate than it is now.  Even where I live in east Tennessee is now forested land, but as recently as a century ago was open land for agriculture and cattle grazing.  One could go on and on with these kinds of examples. Even the peoples and their religions have changed over time, too.

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