Another hope for our future
Ever so slowly our leaders, often elected
politicians, who are in charge of our lives and futures are beginning to fight
over the pieces of the national treasury pie, a traditional role for leaders and politicians.
That is healthy.
Presently, this idea of dividing up the pie is becoming more bottom
up, rather than top down. Again, if our present leaders won't do it (top down),
then we the people will do it (bottom up), whatever "do it" means.
But for sure change is coming.
It sure seems many present leaders
are still bought in to the now old time progressive ideas of making things
better for all, at the expense of the people who still have Families and nifty expectations
and hopes in their meantime. And these leaders often use obfuscation to gain their own objectives. The idea better serving the people is called representation of these same
people alive today. I just wish I and they had a vote on the subject at the time. I am confident both sides now have similar goals, but someone has to
pay the bills, too. And only the alive people can do that through both their
taxes they work for and pay; and providing the trust, faith, and confidence to
keep the borrowing going, too.
In more older times, we the alive people even had War Bond drives, a concept
never used these days. I am beginning to wonder why? Mostly we were willing to loan our money to our government for reasons we believed in, like contributing to winning a war.
And like turning a big ship around, like
an aircraft carrier, or a cruise ship, or an oil carrier, it does take time. Even
the old time expression that "patience is a virtue" is apropos in these kinds of situations.
Or so it seems to me, one person and
one voter in the USA, too.
Why do I imagine this change?
Mostly it is because our people
and their leaders are starting to demand
more responsibility and accountability in our USA spending. Mostly it is like living within our means. Will it be painful, of course. Will it advance the opportunities for our
children and the new world American dream, probably.
The obvious consequence, to me, is
when people won't loan us money, and we have to live within our considerable tax means
anyway. I would rather transition gradually than all at once. But for sure, the times
they are a 'changing, at least to me; and this kind of change makes me hopeful for
our children's future.
So what can you do right now to help
the process along?
Vote. Like even vote at all levels, like school
board, local, state, and federal. The alternatives,
like pitch forks in the streets and the results, can be much worse.
Voting is an example of how gradual
change happens.
Of course there is catastrophic
change too. Like a revolution, like pitch forks in the streets.
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