
Sunday, January 10, 2010

These are amazing times we can tell our descendents about

Much history of the US revolution includes the idea of “taxation without representation”. Also implied was an imperial kind of king (the executive) and an imperial kind of parliament (the legislative). The Boston Tea Party was such a promoted example of frustration. It sure seems like such things are going on today, here in America. After all, our own personal interests predominate all. What’s in it for me, and how do I benefit is so typically human, and family oriented. And does my vote still count?

The whole premise of any government is trust and faith. When we common citizens lose trust and faith, then the seeds of revolt, revolution, or civil war arise. It is so sad that this one citizen can even consider this, but I feel like I have been forced into thinking about all this.

Now this citizen just doesn’t believe in conspiracy to do one’s political beliefs. I personally think incompetency is too often a more plausible explanation. This idea is scary, also.

Last, I trust the citizens vote, good, bad, or indifferent. And I also trust we can vote federally, state, county, city, and school board. While I may be frustrated that I have to wait for the next vote, that is part of being a citizen in the USA, and also a part of our tradition. Just let me vote.

Now money talks. And all politicians at all levels in the last decades have been able to spend the fruits of our labors. This seems like a good idea, as long as these elected people intend to benefit those that vote for them. This is such a simple idea.

Like the title says, these are amazing times. And I will predict our human instinct will predominate, as long as we can vote.

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