
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A waiting room at the doctor’s office

I hate eating my words as a male. I now go to the doctor routinely, and have made it a personal budget item. And I now think it is a good idea even though I resisted it for decades. Perhaps with age, comes a little wisdom, or at least having become a graduate of the school of hard knocks has changed my way of thinking. Sometimes the docs have better drugs than Dollar General Store or just toughing it out.

In the Casablanca movie, the line about being “shocked” about gambling going on in Rick’s Casino tripped me off today; I was so shocked today while in the waiting room.

I fellow loud mouthed citizen and his wife were saying what I have been thinking and hearing. I don’t know the couple, and probably don’t even want to know them. But I was moved by what I heard.

In a nutshell, they are fed up with our federal leaders. President Obama took some especially hard hits in his comments. The wife responded with her desire for change and her vote for Obama to do so, but they both seemed to agree that President Obama is “not the one”.

During the last election cycle in 2008, many people asked who they were going to vote for. Up here on the Cumberland Plateau, many answered by saying they wish they had another choice than the Republican or the Democratic nominee. I took that as a hint that much change is coming, like another “third” party that may stick this time. But I and many know these kinds of things take time for organization, fund raising, registering according to election rules, and doing all this at local, state, and federal levels. This time it seems to be more about ideas and our families’ future than any one individual’s motivation.

These are momentous times. Expect the status quo dinosaurs to rail about and fight back. But most certainly change is coming. This is so American.

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