
Monday, January 21, 2008

What goes around comes around

The status eventually returns to it original status after some sort of cycle. In America one can add in a repeating generational hiccup. And we in the west pride ourselves on recording everything, but apparently not all read it or watch it these days. Hence the hiccup.

So what upsets or concerns some may not concern others. Maybe it is just a difference in values. And maybe it is one that is lost in the endless cycles of birth, death, and experience. After all the hiccup suggests humans just start ideas over again due to normal human instinct. Passion and all, to certain youthful certainty about the truth, just cycle all this again and again. The modern phrase I believe is that you can’t teach the youth anything. Maybe they, like so of us before them, don’t want to listen. A clean break can be healthful, and then it can also be unhealthful when applied to any culture, to include America.

And this post is not about the American melting pot. My melting pot is not today’s melting pot. Change goes on, melting pot and culturally speaking. One usually accepts this as part of aging, to include cultural values. No, this post is about life and living and values that are common to our future.

And the “status” always has a way to have the same good ideas bubble up to the top, while some bad ideas sink of their own weight, over and over again. A real leader can somehow transcend the hiccup, and reinforce old successful ideas applied to today, and downplay the old bad ideas in order to protect us from these failed ideas.

In the 2008 election cycle, what goes around comes around seems to rule the roost, so to speak. No leaders so far have displayed what our Country could benefit from, to include transcending the hiccup. Rather one can say no real leaders have shown up so far in the federal election campaign. Today’s candidates come across as opportunists with hard working well funded staffs, some better than others. And all this is exacerbated by pundits practicing blood sport instincts and using national party corners in our so busy for profit news cycles.

One has to use local knowledge to decide about state and local people. But there is plenty of time between now and November 2008 to have real leaders step up, or even be drafted, to serve as future leaders who think of national interests as part of their values.

The present friction in the democratic presidential campaign between Clinton and Obama is simple and classic in the idea of what goes around comes around. When President Clinton pushed through the biggest federal tax increase in history in 1993, with Gore providing the tie breaking vote in the Senate, then President Clinton burned up the phones using the embarrassment argument. To let the proposed tax increase fail would embarrass him. There was little about the argument’s merits, or benefits to his national party; it was about him. Now in 2008 it comes around again. Is it about him, and are his party and the Country ready to buy it, again? And thank goodness the democrats have a candidate called Obama to ask the obvious questions that should have been asked as long ago as 1993.

Clinton and the democratic party quandaries are their problems, not the Nation’s. What goes around comes around seems to have validity in our futures. In the 2008 election cycle is the time to recognize this by selecting and electing those who think of our National Interests and good ideas, first and last, albeit a politicians version of the National Interest and good ideas. That is good enough. Now is the time to select, draft (even), and vote, locally, state, and federal. The elections in 2010 also count, and the elections in 2012 may be too late for real leaders to beneficially act in our behalf. Hence our elections in 2008 can be a bigger deal to our future than many have previously thought.

Call it timing, call it bad-timing. The idea of what comes around is a factor, many believe. Are our American birds coming home to roost, again? Probably.

1 comment:

Storm'n Norm'n said...

See also: (What Goes Around Comes Around)

I enjoyed reading your take regarding America's need for a leader...
The desire sometimes arises in me such that I feel like an equinity in the abscence of light waiting for the gate to open.

(I know you won't have to look that one up!!!)