
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Not hiding in plain sight

The alternative of an American national interest theme is out there for all to see. It is as large as the percentage of independent voters. This alternative theme is at all levels, local, state, and federal. Right now it is growing in spontaneity, which makes it so intrinsically pure, as in not soiled by political operatives like the two national political parties and their candidates they have working for them.

Practically speaking it is appealing to think of what unites we Americans, vice being exploited by all who seek political and business success and even more idealistic academic feel good success. Hence, CNN would never have an advertised news piece about Negro reporters who report “too white”. (And by the way, I saw this advertisement while visiting a neighbor. I have long ago turned off CNN). This is a blatant piece of liberal racism since all reporting is about Americans, or is supposed to be. And all the “hints’ that Hillary Clinton wants to emphasize women issues has lost this male’s vote, since all I want to vote on are American issues, which are gender free by both decree and reality. After all, women got the vote about 90 years ago. And while I do not like much of the music and clothing styles of your young people, it is definitely American, as in “melting pot” American. For sure it is not “multi-cultural”, an academic theory that reinforces Balkanization and is singularly un-American and a very “old world war generator”. Those who value and focus on American national interest themes and even new world themes are so far past the rest of the world in how we go about solving our myriad problems. Those who are anti-war, or pro-diplomacy, or even totally cynical and suspicious about our present government people, should for sure reject multiculturalism in favor of anything else, especially if any thing else is about American national interests.

What an odd, and very American coalition, may be forming. That it is forming suggests some astute politicians and parties may try take advantage. This being America, they can try. But this being America in 2008, they cannot take advantage. It is too late for them.

And what is happening is different from a third party effort, though it may work out that way in 2008. The issues are key, local, state, and federal. And how people vote will exhibit this when it is all over. We voters will select fellow Americans running for office who will use American interests in their considerations in how to vote, dictate, or even bully pulpit. Those running for office at the local, state, and federal levels who seek personal gain over national issues will fall by the wayside, as in go the way of the dinosaurs.

Let us be practical again. We Americans of all persuasions, caucasian, negro, latin, oriental, and significantly, “mixed”, have more in common than not. We should elect those that benefit us most, not those that divide us most. All this is out in plain sight, but some Americans have blinders on. We American voters can sort this out better than the politicians. And all this appears to be on auto-pilot, thank goodness.

The idea of having to live with controllers giving us choices on our future, whom to select, and what to do, is appalling enough to be un-American and smacking of the old world. We do have choices and votes and courses of action. Why else do so many fellow humans emigrate here. America and the new world has something special going on that needs to be nurtured and appreciated.

And it is not hiding at all. It is in plain sight.

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