
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thanksgiving meal ideas

It’s not the food and menu, it’s the ceremony, and colors, and presentation.

For all the nervous well intentioned hosts and hard working cooks, relax. The quality of the food and number of menu items is less important than your comfort is in presenting whatever you and guests may have, and add in some ceremony. Old and young will enjoy it all. After all, how many times can you go to or present a family off-Broadway show. And forget trying to memorize; just saying what you want to say, sincerely, counts just as well. Reading from any printed or book page is just fine.

And we have so much to be thankful for. Now that is Thanksgiving. So something between a simple prayer of thankfulness and a Mark Steyn article will work just fine. And please “please daddy, don’t get drunk for Christmas”, respect the Thanksgiving version.

Bottom line: Thanksgiving is uniquely American. It has little to do with religion or pagan ceremonies. It has much to do with us. So dress it up, and have an American ceremony at your home with your relatives. Not too shabby.

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