
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Politician’s ignorance is a big cause for concern for the USA’s future

Any citizen can cherry pick the examples, but the trend is clear. We citizens have elected politicians who are poorly educated, vote with the mob mentality, and hire staff who are just as unqualified. At least we can say we get what we citizens pay for, since most votes are dictated by those who pay the politicians. And the elected politicians hire young people with management or business degrees and little experience. That the Brady Law that passed included certain banned weapons was fine, until one learns the Senator’s staff got out a gun magazine and picked out their choices based on pictures, intuition, and innuendoes. What a sad state of affairs to govern such a country, all the while the Senator is using influence to benefit herself and her husband.

Ignorance goes so far. But being ignorant, not knowing it, and being forceful about it is a dangerous game for pundits, whom so many politicians seem to respect. Maybe the lazy politician assumes the pundit does his homework, and maybe visa versa. What a way to rule a country. In one pundit’s case, when Mr. Ignatius of the Washington Post announced the debate was over (in his mind and homework) about global warming, and the paper published it, many of us tuned out. That he was either ignorant, or had not done his homework, made him a loser pundit.

It is easy to complain and more difficult to offer solutions. An honest path to the future is to use this internet medium to offer subject matter experts whom we can accept or reject. If ever old-time politicians and their hired election consultants ruling our country is over, it is during this period. The burden is still on the citizens, but so is the new opportunity. Ignorance will no longer guide our American future.

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