
Friday, January 03, 2014

The human element

The human element

       Why have all communes failed over time?

Because we will always have lazy and criminal people to deal with. That's one reason.

Because we love our Family and ourselves more than our society we live in. That's another good reason.

How do stampedes start? Usually some spark sets it off and then things cascade from there.

Now we have a USA federal President and a political party in power who want to "redistribute" the wealth.  The other buzzword is "income inequality". 

 In my mind, their intent is to make the whole nation some kind of giant commune.

And in my mind all communes going back thousands of years have failed over time. Mostly it is the human foibles that cause the failure. But some still will try to do otherwise.

So should I and my Family suffer because of their well intended idealism and initiative to try make things better?  I would say no!  I don't need to be miserable to know better.

I can even imagine the progressive era is coming to an end, with all the usual impacts from this change to the status quo. Now that idea is more of a consequence than a cause.

There is a better way!

Mostly it is to reward good behavior to make things better all around.

When will "they" ever learn?

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