
Thursday, January 09, 2014

People under attack about everywhere

People under attack about everywhere

       Does it seem that way to you where you live?

All is not hopeless. There are better alternatives than the status quo I perceive emerging. And most solutions will take time to show some benefits to we the people.

Unfortunately, as I read the tea leaves, many people will now die early along the way. The numbers may get into the millions, too. The time for warnings and the chicken little "the sky is falling' is now in our immediate past. So be it. This a cruel guess, but never the less, something I have to accept and plan about.

What set me off was two things today. One was having two days of UPS (United Parcel Service) deliveries from now delivered about 200 yards away from where they had previously delivered my orders on my porch.  The online system (which said the packages were on my porch) and the actual packages in the woods and driveway were confirmation that something has changed, and we have had plenty of past cold weather in the winter where I live, too. The second thing was a report about a bombing in Iraq that killed about 20 people, and wounded and maimed many more. All this occurred in a formerly more settled and peaceful area that we fought a war over.

What hath God wrought?  I suspect we are going to find out, and mostly won't like what they see our present leaders have produced.

As to what sets you off, pick your own poison as the drinker's expression says. There are so many choices these days.

What really concerns me are the present adult standards that affect our existing children.  Any and all laws and policies and practices and customs should be about them and our future, and not the adults living today. I have heard, read, and seen enough to convince me of such. And much of the results are evidence- based vice good intentions and spending money and other such now apparent nonsense. Is a century of good efforts and holding to now old transgressions and abuses a best way to make things better in 2014?

My other major concern is people doing their own thing. That 's fine until I starts to affect me; from simple things like telling me to pay for it, to beginning social chaos as anarchists often do.

So many will now have to die early. Hopefully many present leaders and managers will get fired, too. What a shame as the good people now have to fight back in the name of their and their own Families prospects for their own better future where they live. Maintaining present order while improving things at the same time does take some savvy. Of such ideas civil wars often begin, for one example.

At least early deaths should modify the remaining  voting base in significant ways.

And last one can always say they are just ahead of their time, politically speaking. But in the same vein, one can always say they are just amateurs and often incompetent or even ideologues when dealing  with the present world.  It is always most important to act, vice react.  This especially applies to use the use of today's propaganda. All is in the present time.

So what have you done today to make things better for the future? On such thoughts and questions hangs a better future than what we are facing today. Of  course it does help if you believe in a bottom up approach, vice a top down approach.  In plain English, think local, like city and county and even urban neighborhoods, and try ignore higher levels like State and Federal.  Of course, it will depend on where you live, since some our present leaders are still pretty good.

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