
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can the present political leaders really change America?
Probably not.
The similarities to the Weimer Republic and the royal ruling of France under King Louis 16th are tending to predict our human behavior here in America. Is that what we want to replicate. This applies to both the present political leaders, and we common citizens.
We in the new world are normal human beings, and have a better deal than the rest of the world. No wonder so many people immigrate here. And most know this, and both are the practical get through life point of view and the more idealistic protect what we have point of view.
How will we react. I am not sure, but I think we will use our vote vice have a revolution. I can’t believe I am even discussing such a possibility. But there it is, and I think the American personality will tend more towards the vote than a revolution.
The most base ideas of political control are becoming apparent. And we elected them. What a fabulous political method to say one popular idea, and do another. I suspect we Americans will not go along. We Americans will be ourselves in the end. And we are different, and should be proud of what makes us different from the rest of the world. We people will not be stampeded into changing our country, though our political leaders may be.
If our country’s present political leaders try to circumvent the constitution, then a natural correction will occur, again through the vote I hope.
Last, our national politics under both present political parties have depended on borrowing. When our federal government can’t get loans, imagine what will happen, like we will have to live within our means, and politicians will have to fight over priorities.

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