
Sunday, November 30, 2014

This year's Hemlocks' Christmas tree

This year's Hemlocks' Christmas tree

I was surprised this year.

Usually my normal Christmas tree is a local cedar tree which does smell good when cut fresh. Later when taking it down it is also pretty scratchy, too.

Christmas is a pagan holiday in the end. I still enjoy it, even the Christian part of the holiday.

But this year my daughter Rachel and her boyfriend cut two yellow pine trees from Overton Field.

They look like “normal” Christmas trees, like what we can buy at the local Christmas tree lot we usually go to this time of the year.

One of the Hemlocks’s trees went to Atlanta, by the way. The other is here at the Hemlocks. It has been decorated from local Dollar General Store stuff, and looks OK to this usual old guy.

The feminine influence is still alive and well here, which probably does help. Even the stone gates have fake wreathes on them; like our ancestors would probably be proud of what is going on in 2014.

Last, I can remember (as a now old person) when my public education was about “education and even sports” and not the other things (like indoctrination) going on today. Even pagan holidays like Christmas were mostly celebrated at our own Homes.

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