
Monday, September 21, 2009

These are momentous times

Half the country likes what is happening in D.C. Half the country doesn’t like what is happening in D.C. When both sides have people go cold and hungry this coming winter, things and times will change.

An obvious consequence is the rise of a new third party, based on an idea and not any personality. This is momentous, but it does happen. In our American past we had a Whig national party that went under eventually. Such is going on now. Both national parties today are vulnerable. And the name of this new party is still up for grabs. One could have predicted all this for the year 2016, but now it may happen before this year.

Our country is being run, and has been run for decades, by those who still promise more and more benefits. That these benefits exceed our taxes is simple by borrowing, which has become a status quo. The hard political decisions to debate priorities and then decide priorities have faded.

Now half of the population seems to want even more than exceeds our tax base. The other half are worried we will bankrupt our country. Let me define one part of bankruptcy: we can’t pay unemployment benefits or accompanied medical benefits.

Now some lightweights with little experience and lots of good intentions and egos are in the executive. And we have a Congress that goes along for its own reasons, it seems. This is why these are momentous times.

We are still a nation of laws vice a nation of political leaders. Stand by for much friction as momentous times come in to play.

And then we live in the real world. We have enemies in spite of our national character.

What can we do?

Vote. School board, locally, state, and federal.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The American dream is about Americans

And we are people, too. And the dream should be about all of us. The classic phrase “hearts and minds” applies to Americans, too.

It is a shame that it has taken these hard economic times for so many fellow Americans in their distressed regions to remind us of all this.

And perhaps we Americans are not perfect; no national population is, I suspect. But we have our own expectations and expect results that benefit our families, and our children. Everything else is “gravy”.

So balancing ideas that let idealism compete with reality of American lives continues. And it depends on our leaders, and our votes. So be it.

Our rising benefits have been well funded by our federal government over the last decades. Our taxes are considerable, and it has been spent. What is a shame is that the status quo to vote yes vice debate the merits have led we Americans into national debt that appears to be compounding beyond our means. Where are the old time politicians who would debate the merits of any idea and its costs. When most politicians say yes to all, well, we end up where we are. And we Americans elected them, but somehow things have gotten worse, also. So, let us share the blame.

And then vote.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The human factor

There is much to bind we humans together, and even guess how we are doing. The quick grade is average.

Most of us say our kids are smarter than us, but if one just runs the numbers then we should have a bunch of Einstein’s running around, and most don’t think that is the case. Perhaps better educated, but smarter, I don’t think so.

Most Americans think clean running water and forced air heat are rights rather than privileges of being an American. We even expect refrigerators and freezers to work all the time, and be able to turn on the lights whenever we want to. Now that’s human. Most don’t think about the dedicated fellow Americans who work hard to make this happen. That’s human, too. And even splinter free toilet paper wasn’t developed until the 1930’s, but many other places still don’t even have toilet paper. And they’re humans, too.

Humans can mess up about anything, given enough time. Never assume conspiracy when sheer incompetency will do. This human factor can apply to companies, religions, governments, or whatever.

It seems like the framers of the American Constitution recognized the need and benefits of a common government, and the fear of the human factor. What appeals to most is that we take an oath to the Constitution, not any human or party.

The idea and history of the human factor applies throughout times. For those interested, read about King Louis the 16th, or the Weimer Republic, to learn more about what these fellow humans did in their time.

The human factor is mostly blue collar, in USA terms. Our families’ protection and future survival trumps all.

Americans have hearts and minds, too. Now that's a human factor.

Last, we have a lot of humans on the earth. And the human factor is only going to get more assertive just because of numbers alone.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Somebody’s got to mow the grass.

Of course this presumes we even want grass, usually Kentucky fescue, and then assume the burden. Being a home owner is a big deal.

Being a big deal is a local issue, at least to me. The obvious consequence is that some local governments are better than others. But then that is what we vote about.

I think we used to say before the civil war, which started about 150 years ago, a phrase like we the united states. Now we say the united states. Such is federalism.

The obvious consequence, at least to this voter, is disparity. Whoever has access to the public treasuries (local, state, and federal), will do what these fellow Americans think is both right, and within the laws our politicians have passed.

This recession has brought tax revenues down enough to make our present elected politicians have to make more fundamental decisions, like priorities. Too many are pretty much use to the status quo in their voting district. Now we voters may have changed. The one factor that is obvious is we voters who still have a job still have to work and support a family. For those unemployed, what happens when all the unemployed benefits run out when their government is broke.

And these politicians we elect will probably change as well. The alternative is civil war or revolt or revolution, and I suspect this is just not how we new world Americans operate. Only time will tell, of course.

These are momentous times.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Our vote does count
And it is local, state, and federal, all which affect our lives and safety and our children’s future. This pretty much is the function of governments, though that might not be the case today in too many places. After all, some governments are better than others.
Governments at all levels should not be a jobs program, period. Government’s priorities should be to serve the people's common interests, first. Police, fire, water, and waste water come to mind, as does transportation. These governments depend on our tax payments, which we have been paying routinely.
And I think we Americans will use our vote, vice having a revolution. The idea of driving down the interstate and being intercepted or shot is simply beyond me. Pitch forks in the streets may have happened elsewhere in history, but probably will not happen here in the USA today. At least I hope so. Having lived in countries like this, it is not an enjoyable American experience if it should happen here.
The idea of an imperial Congress really suggests our leaders follow their (and their staffs) own instincts, and perks. What we the people think is a lesser consideration. That seems to be the status quo these days. Whether these politicians can change, or just be voted out, is up to we Americans.
A new national party seems to be an obvious result, even if it takes years. Many members will come from the present Republicans and Democrats, as well as others. Third party efforts like TR and the Bull Moose Party, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, John Anderson, and Ross Perot were all base on individuals. This prediction is based on an idea, like the idea of a Whig Party, which went under decades ago based on its ideas, and corruption. The name of this new party is still evolving, I think.