
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unmanned aerial vehicle

Unmanned aerial vehicle

Poster’s comments:
1)      This is an emerging market that is still changing all the time these days.
2)      The use for home defense is probably two to five years away, but nobody really knows for sure.
3)      You can buy them now for “hobby” purposes.
4)      Always be safe. Big sky, little bullet was an older term that is becoming passé. Do not, please, fly unannounced in the same airspace aerial vehicles with humans in them are flying in the sky. You might bring them down.
5)      Wind and weather and line of sight (LOS) and time of day and season are big factors to keep in mind.
6)      If you can’t afford to lose one or two drones, or even repair one after recovery, then stay away from them for a while, like two to five years, in my humble opinion.  Two to five years places one in the 2017 to 2020 timeframe.
7)      The other factor to think about is the mission of the drone. If you require it carry some kind of visual detection, then that is another complicating factor, too.
8)      In the interim, one still has many detectors they can use for home defense, like our dogs, our basic patrolling, and the various ground detectors (like infrared and night vision and thermal imaging) available commercially these days.
9)      Ultralight (manned) aerial vehicles can be very dangerous to use, too.

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