
Friday, December 20, 2013

Some certainty in one's future

Some certainty in one's future

            One could argue that today's times are tumultuous

            Times seem easy if one has trust, faith, and confidence in their own future. Things often seem less easy when one adds in other humans that expand one's responsibility for hope, like their Family and friends. Often, it is just a matter of trust, faith, and confidence in our present leaders. And certainty is a factor that most people count on for the most simple reason, like certainty in their own plans and prospects for their own future.

            So I perceive I understand all the friction going on about Obamacare  that is presently going on in the USA. Nobody seems to know the "rules" as they keep changing in people's own lives.  It affects me, too.

            And in fact the rules seem to change weekly, like now by Federal decrees, which is another subject altogether.  One can argue the response times are simply beyond human capacity to keep up, and often reduces the certainty people seek.

            The aggravating factor is the obvious (to most)  roll-out of the Federal Law called the Affordable Health Care Act.  While the intent of universal health care is a noble purpose, the basic law seems to be crummy, the implementation has been poor, and the consequences seem terrible to the people that still have to live and try enjoy their Family's prospects. That's most American Families.

            And I accept the lack of trust, faith, and confidence between the two National Parties these days, too.

            At least I give the present Federal President credit for starting the debate about USA universal health care in the USA.

            I also fail him and his National Party for messing up things so badly in the process. I am even getting tired of short notice kinds of ultimatums to go along or risk other things.....especially if I think this now a normal way to try rule.

            There are better courses of action one can take, and in hindsight, should have been taken. In the old time terms, that's now water over the dam.

            The present results both affect my quality of life, and realistically, even my Family's life itself.

            So I suggest we Americans try a bottom up approach, vice a top down approach.  In many this approach may be a good way to save America for better prospects in our future.

            Now all the preceding can be fighting words, or at least the advancement of a new third political party.

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