
Monday, December 02, 2013

Voting to Save the Country


An old liberal Democrat on why the American people must take to the voting booth in concerted and open outrage.


by Arnold S. Trebach IN PJ Media


It is difficult for an old liberal Democrat to utter such words as those. Vote Republican and save the country, indeed. Yet that is what I am now saying, and to make it even more emphatic, I am also suggesting that for the next two elections, all good people should consider voting a straight Republican ticket as a protest against the massive political sins of the Democrats. If enough voters did that, in addition to saving the country it might also save the Democratic Party from itself.

My old party has lost its soul and integrity in recent years, especially during the Obama era. It needs a crushing electoral defeat to focus its attention on its dangerous behavior.  Despite the terrible recent record of my old party and of Mr. Obama, they are master politicians and it is quite possible that they will recover and win the next two elections, unless there is a concerted effort by voters of all stripes — Republican, independent, and, yes, Democratic — to make a public commitment in advance that they will vote straight Republican tickets in 2014 and in 2016.

I do not love the Republican Party, but Obama and the Democrats have given me no alternative. I do not recognize my old party. They truly scare me.  As a result, in recent years I have embraced conservative values in my political behavior.

It is important to emphasize that voters of all backgrounds must now openly declare their intention to vote a straight Republican ticket in the next two elections. It gives me no joy to vote for so many Republicans, but this is the time to follow that old American tradition: throw the rascals out!  These Democratic rascals richly deserve that fate. Their actions while in power amount to a series of disasters for this country and its people — as well as for many people in other countries.

Reflect for a moment on a few of the most prominent disastrous actions, which seem to keep taking place every few weeks. The latest as of this writing is the nuclear arms deal with Iran. Mr. Obama has again demonstrated his lack of interest in standing up for the great ideas of western history and policy. This was yet another surrender to the mythical belief that he and the Democratic Party can somehow seduce evil leaders into changing their behavior. They have consistently failed. In this case, they have once again betrayed an ally, Israel, and indeed all those allies who have a sense of realism and of history. Iran has been in effect given a green light to develop a nuclear bomb. Daniel Pipes was moved to declare, “This wretched deal offers one occasion when comparison with Neville Chamberlain in Munich in 1938 is valid. … Geneva and Nov. 24 will be remembered along with Munich and Sep.29.”

Obama’s peace in our time may well produce once again a horrible war in our time.

While the Iran fiasco was occurring, the Obamacare disaster was continuing and getting worse; that is worse than any of us knew or imagined. It is doubtful if Mr. Obama and his loyal minions in the White House and in the devoted press knew just how bad this healthcare disaster was. I do insist that our leader knew he was lying to the American people that citizens could keep their doctors and health plans if they liked them. Yet I doubt if they truly understood all of the dimensions of the disaster they have created, in the face of open Republican opposition. The level of incompetence in this regard is shattering. Obama and the Democrats have invaded the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and of how we Americans seek to deal with one of the most important and confidential aspects of our lives. They did not understand it and still do not.

Add to this continuing disaster the Obama-Holder misbehavior in the Martin-Zimmerman matter, their failure to deal with black crime and the knockout attacks, the New Black Panther failure, the Fast and Furious gun-running affair, the IRS actions against conservative tax payers, and many other scandals.

And yet as I have said, I believe that Obama and Holder and the Democratic Party are such brilliant and unethical politicians that despite these scandals the odds are that they will prevail at the voting booth again and again — unless the American people take to the voting booths in concerted and open outrage.

Arnold S. Trebach was a protester and a federal civil rights official during the original civil rights movement. Now he is a professor emeritus of public affairs at American University and a member of the Maryland State Advisory Committee to the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights.



Poster's comments:

1)  While I think I understand the sentiment of the preceding article, I suggest considering all of your courses of action available.

2) My focus is more on our future and less on punishing some for our present. Those inclined to punish should consider the Constitutionally legal impeachment process, which can be somewhat independent of the vote (the trial is often called a political trial). Now this consideration is for impeaching for illegal actions, not one's political ideology.

3)  I suggest voting for individuals at all levels; school board, city, county, state, and federal, vice a strait conventional party line vote.

4)  When considering individuals, consider affiliations other than Republican, or Democratic. Both of these national parties have had a century to get us into this mess we are in right now. Other affiliations, like independent, tea party, or whatever are also available for the voter's consideration in our future. Even tea party people are often former democrats, republicans, independents, and the formerly politically quiet, Americans all.

5) I do not know or have ever met Mr. Trebach.

6) I do agree with voting as the best course of action to also express our outrage as to what is presently going on; to include the concern and worry about the consequences.

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