
Monday, December 23, 2013

Sultanate of Darfur

Sultanate of Darfur

       A wiki link on the subject can be found at:

            A wiki link on just what a sultanate  and sultans are can be found at:

            There are still some sultanates in the world.  Examples are Brunei (a famous one), Kedah (more like a state within a nation-state these days), and Adal, among others.  Never heard of them, look it up. That's what this poster had to do.

            Not all humans are ruled by nation-states, like happens in  the USA, or France, or Nigeria, or China, as examples of being ruled by a nation-state's ruling class.

            If it seems like things are evolving or changing for sultanates, in either direction, that is probably not a bad current assessment.  Often old sultans are being replaced by warlords and other dictators, and even periodically someone with claims to royalty.  And then there are narco-states, where the leaders are often ruthless thugs bent on getting rich while they can. It can be a fight, including the recent USA  attempted evacuation efforts going on in South Sudan, too.


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