
Monday, December 23, 2013

Retribution or leading to a better future?

Retribution or leading to a better future?

       That seems to be our common dilemma

First my perspective.  Even during hard times, around 75% of we humans are still working in one form or the other.  100% of those with Families remain constant. Even some of these working people will be suffering, too. And by suffering,  for all I think that means being cold and wet and hungry during the cold season, a prospect no one I know likes or seeks. During the warm season it is pretty much about the same.  It is, in all seasons, pretty much a non-fun time. Our children may even cry in their own suffering.

That the present economic hard times are probably man caused really hacks me off, too. It did not have to happen as it has unfolded. Even the prospects for the future recovery efforts seems dragged down by human caused problems. That I have to even think about more primitive ways to now survive also hacks me off.  Again, and said another way, children crying is simply disdainful to me when the cause seemingly is done by we adult humans.

So is the best way to go to our future some kind of local retribution effort,  or simply  leading to make things better?

My vote, and suggestion, is to lead to a better future.

For those that seek retribution, like wanting to get even, I also suggest to wait a while, like a few years.

Priority should go to the near future. Retribution can happen later, for those so inclined.

Even retribution can be as simple as not allowing the people who got us into the present mess from holding positions of power and influence in our future. It does not necessarily  mean such things as a night of the long knives, for another example as the "American giant" seems to be waking up. Even the idea of a "peoples cultural giant waking up" seems to becoming more obvious these days, world wide.

So let's make things better for ourselves and our children just for now. After all, that will probably take a long enough time, as it is these days.

Last, the theme is bottom up, like we the people.  The top down idea has failed and gotten us into the mess we are in, or so is my perspective.

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