
Friday, December 20, 2013

Just the news

Just the news

       And all I seek is the news.....that I trust

One can confidently predict that in two decades the national news, including the cable national news, will be more trustworthy than it is these days. Here's why the prediction.

Most Americans live throughout the Country, while the "national" news reporting these days is concentrated  between Boston and D.C (the so called northeast (NE) corridor).  And that concentration of reporting is doing a crummy job of being accurate in the news Americans need to know to live, vice the reporting and repeating  what others in their crowd where they live decide is important for us to hear. This practice and behavior borders on propaganda, in my mind.

I can remember when CNN (Cable News Network) started based in Atlanta, a decidedly non- New York kind of location.  And many of the on screen reporters where "not from New York" in general.  And the CNN business boomed.  Now look at what has happened to CNN, for example.

The recent stories about the Duck Dynasty fellow voicing  his opinion about homosexuality and the retribution from his New York based headquarters also got my attention. While the report and consequences  may be a big deal to those in the NE corridor, it is not a big deal to those in the rest of the USA, or least where this offending fellow lives in Louisiana.

To me this is just another nail in the coffin that will probably take decades to have an effect. But one and effects have to start somewhere.

And nothing against the patriotism and hard work  displayed by those in the present news industry these days in America. Most are good and hard working Americans. And many are immigrants from the rest of the Country, too.   But in the end they are just from a culture that is not naturally representative of the whole Country  of their fellow Americans. One can even argue it is just a form of being culturally snobbish and politically correct for that culture. After all these people live and work and socialize together on a daily basis. Even nepotism is creeping in, too.

So someone will break the mold, so to speak, and move national news based reporting away from the NE corridor to the rest of America.  Now my vote is for the Kansas City area, but I will defer to time to see how it really sorts out. It will take a while to happen, to include the probable moving of the national capital, kind of like the Brasilians did in starting Brasilia.

Just imagine how our quality of life might improve if we get news we trust enough to act on. And this idea applies to both foreign and domestic news, too.

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