Time for a Plan B
Too many things seem to be a mess in
the USA these days. It is becoming apparent to more and more people that we
have a crummy President and crummy political parties at all levels to rule our
Plan B is simple...act vice react.
Like act to improve things for the future of our Country, mostly for
future generations of Americans in this great land. And then wait, like to give
it time to turn this big ship in a better direction. I personally use the idea
that if it takes two decades to get in mess, it will probably take two more
decades to make things better.
And it is not all Obama's fault. It
is way beyond this crummy President. And
times will probably get worse before it gets better, but one can sense change
for the better is already happening throughout America. America is still oozing with good leaders and
those already taking the initiative where they live. The next big shoe to fall is likely when
stagflation impacts enough people's lives to become more apparent to all. For
example, people won't loan our governments money and we have to live off of our
considerable taxes. And there is always
a chance of other bad things happening to us, like an economic collapse, a nuclear
war, a mother nature wild card event, or even the adverse effects of dumbing
down our population.
So act vice react. For
example have laws, policies, and practices that promote the common good, vice
just trying to correct the boo boos of the present. And reinforce success, not
failure. Practically one can think of reelecting the "good" leaders,
and canning the "poor" leaders. Said another way, don't waste time
trying to "improve" our governments. Rather elect those who will
administer and run our present governments, which have all two centuries of
refinement after all. I can imagine a
third party arising; actually it is already is "arising" and is based
on ideas and not some rich man's finances and fancy. And I can imagine that
many of these people are presently from the various existing political parties,
Americans all.
One can even "dress up"
the name Plan B. Call it a Manifesto for a Future America. But basically is still acting vice
reacting. Now that is leadership, practiced by those educated in all the
techniques that aid and abet the process. To many it will even seem like a
bottom up approach, vice a top down approach, which is exactly what it is
The examples abound. For example,
promote marriage between two people. Promote morals in conduct. Use standards
that are results based, vice money-spent and good intentions based. Ensure we
have an adequate National Defense and Civil Defense. Promote education vice
indoctrination. Make sure we have enough
prisons and courts to protect our American population. Have laws, policies, and
practices that serve the future American generations as a priority. Be ruthless
and tactful and listen as necessary, also.
In other words live and work and
vote for tomorrow's Americans as a priority, and not today's Americans as a
priority. And stand by for some more hard times along the way, or so it seems
these days. But, and again, if we act vice react, then things will get
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