
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Acoustic vs. Digital Pianos

Acoustic vs. Digital Pianos

Which should I buy?

      Here's one link on the subject:


Poster's comments:


1)  The question is classical to me.

2)  Obviously I want to be thrifty, to include going with one choice.

2a) I have decided to do or get some kind of piano. I will decide in February, 2014.

3)  I have to be brutal to myself about my objectives.

4)  My objectives are making music for home school training, and entertainment. We can sing without music if need be, for example.

5)  My objectives must recognize the availability of electricity, both public and private if it gets to that point.

6)  I take into consideration that acoustic pianos generally sound better than pianos played through a speaker, or speakers. Even earphones sound better, to me, but the rest of us can't enjoy that experience.

7)  I must consider the availability of local music (especially piano) teachers that I might have to barter for during any hard times situation.

8)  I must think about portability (including electricity (like AC vs DC)) and maintenance, too. For example, I do not have central air and heat and humidity where I live when thinking about maintenance (the houses were built over a century ago).


I don't plan on getting drunk and chopping up an acoustic piano for firewood, either. This alternative has reportedly happened in the past.

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