There Will Be War
Anyone who saw Netanyahu the other day decrying
Obama's rapprochement with Iran saw an Israeli leader who was fueled by rage,
bordering on a breakdown. One thing is clear: Netanyahu will not let
Iran get nukes. In the past, it has been made clear that Israel will
take down the Mideast with her rather than go quietly to defeat.
It was only when the
then Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, appealed directly to President Nixon
and also threatened to use the atomic bomb that Israel was given the needed
tanks, guns and ammunition to turn certain defeat into victory. - Dr. Gerhard Falk
Nixon started to move fast after the
consequences of delay were made clear to him. Israel was preparing
to go nuclear.
Israel will go it alone again if she has
to. With U.S. aid, there may be no need for Israel to use her nukes
against Iran. Without U.S. assistance, Israel will have to use
tactical nukes.
Doesn't anyone in the State Department realize
Many think Obama can link Iran to a two-state
solution: put pressure on Israel to make concessions. More likely,
Israel will tell the State Department to get lost. The Israelis will
attack Iran alone, and to hell with the Palestinians. If
a world war starts, so be it. Israel will take down the whole
Mideast with her before she surrenders Judea and Samaria.
This is not right or wrong per
se. This is simple fact.
At the London Conference of 1939, as Jews were
desperate to leave Europe, Ben Gurion would not accept the insulting offer made
by the British of a Jewish state barely the size of large city, even under
threat of stranding Jews in Europe.
The British were not bluffing. If Ben
Gurion did not accept the British offer, the British would halt immigration and
deliver a Palestinian state to the Arabs.
Neither was Ben Gurion bluffing. He
accepted only the concept of a partition, but he stalled for a better deal.
No Jew is at liberty to
surrender the right of the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel to exist. No
Jewish body is sanctioned to do so. Even all the Jews alive today have no
authority to yield any piece of land whatsoever[.] - Ben Gurion
The British did cut off immigration two months
later with the White Paper of 1939, and European Jews were denied an escape
route from the Holocaust.
The State Department has
miscalculated. They think because Israel left the Sinai, and South
Lebanon, then Israel can be persuaded to leave Judea and
Samaria. Well, it is one thing to return Egyptian and Lebanese land,
but another thing to surrender Jewish land. What is wrong with our
best and brightest?
If Obama thinks Netanyahu will surrender an inch
of Judea and Samaria -- what he considers the heart of Israel -- because the
State Department pressures him with Iran, then Obama is clueless.
Israel, from the beginning, right or wrong,
never had any intention of giving the Palestinians an independent state.
We view a permanent
solution [as involving] a Palestinian entity which is less than a state. - Yitzhak
Rabin, 1995
Anyone who analyzed the offers made by the
Israelis noticed that the Palestinian area would be denied free borders with
Jordan and would be broken up into non-contiguous cantons. Israel
would control airspace, water, and access. Of course, this was wise
from the Israeli point of view, but it was not an independent state for the
Palestinians. Yet this is not what the State Department tells the
We set the Palestinians up with false hopes and
then act shocked when they get violent after those hopes are not
delivered. The Arabs, of course, are irrational. They do
not need much of an excuse to get violent... but our State Department ignores
that. We persuaded Israel to allow free elections in Gaza, and we
were surprised when Hamas won.
Yet our State Department continues to pressure
Israel to make concessions, which have never born fruit from either party.
Have the Arabs calmed down? Has Hamas
stopped firing rockets? Have terrorist attacks stopped?
Have the Israelis stopped building Jewish
communities in Judea and Samaria? Have the Israelis stopped housing
demolitions in the eastern half of Jerusalem? Did they bend to
pressure and stop the wall? How often does Israel prosecute violent
Jewish settlers?
I can't say Israel always treats the Arabs
justly in Judea and Samaria. There are property seizures, housing
demolitions, and denials of building permits. Israeli Jews have assessed,
rather accurately, that Arabs are volatile and hostile; and have decided to
play tough.
Is this just? It is what it is.
The Israelis will never surrender their biblical
heartland. They will stall. They will
talk. They will dissemble. But in the end, Israel will
not give up her patrimony.
At best, the Israelis will give the Palestinians
autonomous reservations. Nothing more. This was evident
in 1995. It was evident in the offer Barak made in 2000, which would
not have given the Palestinians an open border with Jordan. It is
evident today
I am not even blaming Israel. I am
blaming the State Department, which has led Arabs to believe that they could
get a state. Israel never had any intention of ever giving the
Palestinians a separate state. She is not that
crazy. Eighty percent of Israel's population leaves in the small
coastal strip between Tel Aviv and Haifa. It would be suicidal to
give the Palestinians a state.
So now our president thinks he can pressure
In 1938, after Britain and France abandoned the
Czechs, the Czech Army could still have made a good fight of
it. Czechoslovakia had the Skoda armaments complex under her
control. She might have won. Instead, Czechoslovakia
chose not to fight; she was conquered, and the Skoda complex went on to produce
over half of Germany's tanks.
Israel is not Czechoslovakia. She
will fight.
If that fight comes, not only will Iran be
hammered, but there may be a general war, with massive loss of Palestinian
One does not have to agree with everything
Israel does to know that President Obama acted unwisely.
If President Obama does not back off the
two-state solution, and re-institute full sanctions against Iran, there will be
One thing is clear. Israel will not
Mike Konrad is the pen name of an American who is not Jewish,
Latin, or Arab. He runs a website,, where he discusses the subculture of Arabs in Latin
America. He wishes his Spanish were better.
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