A small house fire story
It finally happened to me.
I had a small electrical fire in the kitchen that I inadvertently
caused when cooking some sausage. I ended up cooking the sausage in the
microwave oven. My inadvertence was just from using an old and damaged electrical
cooking instrument.
Lessons learned:
1. I had a fire extinguisher that readily put out the small
and sputtering fire. I wish I had practiced a little more, like even rereading
the directions again. The fire extinguishers had multiple safety widgets that
made using them (I tried three) more difficult. It was a powder type fire
extinguisher that worked and which left a lot of powder mess for me to gladly
clean up.
2. The battery powered smoke alarms worked as advertised.
There was a lot of smoke from the fire. The inside dog evacuated the house, for
whatever that is worth. The yard dogs were mostly barking from the smoke alarms
3. I aired the house out and it was chilly, but I just put
on more warm clothes until the air was good enough to close off the house,
4. It was not as bad as the smoke I breathed from the oil
well fires in Kuwait, but it was still pretty bad. I thought about using
breathing filters, but chose not to.
The whole episode could have the makings of a one act play, kinda
like the Keystone Cops meets a jug screw; except it was not funny to me at the
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