
Friday, May 01, 2015

Pig pickin'

Pig pickin'

Now you vary it all you want, including the choice of meats.
I am still partial to the Carolina low country way, but.....
Here in east Tennessee we can wrap it in wet (usually from brine water) burlap (or even a Dollar General Store pillow case or two), bury it in a hole full of hot charcoal or glowing wood embers, and cover it up with dirt, and wait, like many hours.  Just in case, have a fall back to eat, too.
We did something similar in Hawaii when I lived there, but used bananna leaves to wrap the meat.  That was pretty tasty, too.
And like in the now old movie called Fried Green Tomatoes, there was a famous line about “it’s all in the sauce”. Well that line has some validity, too.
Last, there’s nothing like seeing fire come out of the pigs eyes in the middle of the night. That’s often a sign the meat may be “overcooked”.

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