
Saturday, May 16, 2015

A conjecture type of article

A conjecture type of article

What happens if something like an American Revolution or American Civil War comes again to this great land known as the United States of America (USA). After all men and women of good will can and have taken different points of view and conducted themselves accordingly in our own past. Many were our ancestors. That the many past graduates of West Point divided up is one obvious example of past frictions. So one can “guess” that something similar may happen in the future USA, though nobody confidently can predict what might really happen.
The big fear I hear mostly is about the present Federal President and many present Federal legislators and appointed and hired bureaucrats attempting to usurp the Federal leadership and the existing Federal Constitution and do something silly in order to “take over” the USA.  There is plenty of “conjecture” type of “evidence” to suggest that fear is valid in many people’s minds. Said another way, they worry for the future of their Country, and their own Families and loved ones. Of course many others just “discount” this worry for their own good reasons, too. And many of the objectionable changes in our status quo to so many people are as much societal as present day political chicanery.
But the worries still persist in a greater set of numbers and more than in a long time.
One worry I personally discount is the amount of tax payer money and “work up” exercises presently happening, or scheduled to happen. Just suppose a lot of this taxpayer money and military type training and prepositioning of equipment and ordered supplies on USA soil ends up supporting a good bit of one side or the other, or both. Not all people will respond like automatons. Even past Families often divided up based on deeply held beliefs and personal priorities, and not just following some “elite” groups orders intended to achieve this groups own objectives.
Even the Naval Academy Class of 1941 graduated early because many Americans at the time could see a foreign war coming, and wanted to give our future leaders a few months advantage.
Now all the preceding discussion suggests some domestic fighting may have to occur in the USA.  Some can say it already is happening in the form of riots and even criminals now attacking our existing police in greater numbers than perceived in our own past. And this is still a “new world” USA of sorts, so to me our past is at best a guideline of what we presently in the USA will actually do.
Last, many already know how easy it is to corrode our mostly existing good order and discipline within our own USA society, tribe if you will. I know of one anarchist of sorts who simply does not understand or accept how that idea of anarchy will affect him. To me the time for talking and debating is long over by several years, and now the time is coming upon us to seeing “just the facts” of what may come.
Our present state of affairs has often been presented to us as the status quo. Now it is up to us living here in the USA to guide us into our own future and a probably new and real status quo.
And it does not take a Revolution or Civil War to do so, though that may happen. Declaring some kind of National Emergency comes to mind to many. One can also use the vote to change the present leaders, too. We don’t have to change our government if we don’t want to.  “We the people” are still in charge. Call that idea “natural law” if you will.

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