
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Third world mentality and standards in the USA

It is coming all too soon if a minority in America can gain their way. Many suspect they don’t even know what they are asking for. Politically and health wise, I object to some minority of Americans dragging me down to some third world level of public health and food safety, as in getting malaria in Tennessee. While most of us Americans have a revolutionary heart, we also have a parental and social goal to make us and our families better off than our past. Disease control is included. And our ancestors went through all this, and presented us what we have today. My opponents need to be squashed like a bug since they threaten me, and what I think is a so reasonable American existence.

Along the way, I owe my allegiance to my nation-state, the USA, and not some local warlord who will arise, given a chance. Now it is time to add in politics and health, since only my nation-state will protect and promote my vote and my family’s health.

For those who think I may be wrong, so be it. If I am right, the consequences for our future generations are pretty serious; be it me, my kids, or my grandkids.

In the same vein, those who want to play at being American revolutionaries can decide whether they want to play or be real, as willing to die for their cause, which most certainly they will. And fellow Americans will turn in these pretend revolutionaries.

In the meantime, this great American and New World human experiment under a Constitution goes on.

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