
Friday, March 28, 2008

Suppose we elected losers and they hired fellow losers

It has happened about Iraq and Mesopotamia, and can and is happening again. For lack of knowing what to do, our Executive and Congressional politicians, and many of their hired staffs, do what they know, which is mostly perpetuating the status quo of the last few decades. Now this “group” wants to do for us about the present financial mess what they have done for prosecuting a War in Iraq and a War on Terror, all within their Beltway, of course. In hindsight it is so obvious most of this “group” of American leaders has no experience and little educational preparation about prosecuting a war, and probably little more experience and educational preparation for dealing with the financial mess, other than perpetuating the status quo and responding to lobbyists. Some even use their meager efforts to undercut the defense of America, as if she doesn’t need it, or some one else will do it.

This link provides one reasonable review of the poor prosecution of the war in Iraq:

Just when our American psyche and natural charitable instinct went from helping our under classes to having them dominate our politics and budgeting from local to National is a matter for historians and their books. My guess is sometime in the 1960’s. Just when our national political parties also switched is probably in the same timeframe. From understanding and addressing underlying causes to accepting the murders by lowlifes of our family members is where many have drawn the line. While we cannot dictate what people think, we can dictate and legislate behavior. And murder and mayhem is such a reasonable responsibility of governments from local to federal. Just lock up the criminals and build enough jails to make it happen. This is not rocket science. Just how we began to elect losers that got us to this point of accepting murder of our family members suggests a change in course is due. The old days of expecting standards to help influence society for the better is still a viable course of action. And for those who want to know when the war in Iraq will end (count me in), many also want to know when the seemingly never ending war on poverty will end (count me in, also). Even a change in local budget priorities to the basics, likes new jails, is so obviously long overdue (after all our population is growing). This needs to be respected in too many local areas as our local politicians try to balance local government benefits, and retirement benefits, for example. The trend is nation-wide, and so threatening to our Nation’s future.

And all I want to do is have grandkids play in the backyard without fear from criminals and sexual predators. Maybe they can even go out into the neighborhood on their bicycles and play with the local kids, kinda like the old days. Maybe they can grow up as little Americans. And the premise of the local PC family police, often called Family Services, should have been a non-starter, in the end. And you know what, we can still vote for this idea. Let me make it sound as simple as it is, and was. If we lock up the bad guys, then our kids should be safe to be kids.

If ever there was a time period for local to national parties to rise and fall, now is such a time. Our Nation deserves better. And if it is finally time for the budget battles about benefits vs. basic government services to extend to where we live, so be it. Actually, the budget battles are already underway, it just depends on where we live. The birds are already coming home to roost. Others in most Communistic North Korea have already done this drill about 15 years ago, albeit with the dictatorship ruling 20 families winning out in the end by taking advantage of nationalistic loyalty. In this historical case, when the system and governments had failed, and all were starving, there was an organized campaign for the old people to go out and die, as in commit suicide. Somehow many don’t think this will work in today’s America.

Change is due. So are our votes. Those who have led us into this mess are probably not the best Americans to lead us out of this mess. The present candidates hardly even speak about all this. They and their status quo got us here. Only “real” change will get us out of here. This voter suggests considering whether or not a candidate even speaks “about all this”.

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