There is nothing new under the sun
Only the people change.
What price glory? Are America’s choices these days more intellectual or practical. We have many choices, by the way. An analogy might be are we more Catholic or Lutheran in our thinking?
I’ll defer to the intellectuals whom I define as debating within their military and foreign policy groups as to smart ways to proceed, and to proper respect for their published professors, whom are also smart, it seems. This is a good course of action, by the way.
I’ll vote for those other practical types whom balance ideals with human instincts and experience, both in our world and the rest of the world. Since the world is not perfect, the dilemma for all is to how to balance our own world and our own families with all these foreign ideas for which we have no experience. This assumes there are differences in values and standards between different societies. And we in the USA are not so naïve as to buy the multi-cultural diatribe when we are under duress by the foreign barbarians with their own values, who are also not so shy about preserving their way of life. I have even tried to even feminize this issue, but the idea is not there. The courses of action are American, not male or female.
The fascination with many things foreign still escapes me, having lived overseas in many third world rural and urban areas. Our new world is a better deal, and the present immigration patterns suggest (I would say prove) this trend. Even many present candidates for president (mostly democrats) who suggest we take on the world’s poverty problems are naïve, descending into an abyss we Americans will never support, and running for the wrong office in 2008.
There is at least one apparent course of action that is appealing. It is the Naval Service. After all, the Naval Service is both the Navy, and the Marines, and there is much institutional experience and professional military education and practical exercises that have been going on for decades, as in long before Iraq. My suggestion is go read about what these fellow Americans are saying about Iraq and before, and more importantly, the rest of the world. This is a freebie for those citizens so inclined.
For those too busy in life, like raising a family, or going to work everyday, trust there are other Americans who have the benefit of your tax payments to pay their salaries, and argue in your benefit and for our defense. Our Naval Service is such a good investment for the more practically minded. Now this idea is a trust idea, so wish many luck.
It is hard to imagine such a fate could depend on the judgment and emotions of so few who are most idealistically oriented, even to the point of being anti-American. Hopefully, this group of Americans are a minority, and the majority will rule. Time to vote! Ah, the trump card!
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