
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Much human change is coming

Most is out in plain sight, though some is not. And the earth is changing, too.

Of course, anyone, like even this author, can predict the future...much is obvious. But there are many wildcards, too, like the earth's evolution and cycles of cold and warm, and our food, too.

But back to humans. We in the USA have done much since WWII to promote the rest of the world's humans, mostly their lifestyles, like improving standards of life. By standards of life things like food, clean water, being warm, and even septic stuff is a big deal. Along the way some might even expect police and fire protection and public electricity, and even public schools for their children, like it is automatic.

Most are willing to pay public taxes for all this when the light bulb goes on, I think, especially when alternatives like paying tributes to the king and queen, or the tribal leader, are also alternatives. Just look at a night satellite photo of our earth to give you a hint of what has been done. It is pretty good, from a human point of view. A similar photo from 100 years ago, which of course was not even possible then, is a good way to brag about what has been done to improve human quality of life in the interim period.

My question is how is change going to occur in the future, which I am pretty sure it will occur. Will it be local, which is my guess, or otherwise, like more generic world type change, which I think not. Whatever the change is, it will be selfish, like we humans will do about anything to survive, mostly making sure our families survive. It kinda sounds like "dog it dog" which may not be far off the mark.

Here's a good news possibility. We humans will respond in our own way and where we live. That's it. For example our birth rates will go down, world wide. And maybe even our energy demands will go down, too? And even if our food supplies from our present day grain belts go down, I also suspect many humans will also survive. It is going to be an ugly process, though!

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