The good news and the bad news
There is much change in the status quo of the last 100 years going on. Depending on where you live, you might change that 100 year figure. I suspect many may suggest the changes in the status quo are since World War II, for example. Others might suggest "in their lifetime" which is pretty normal, I think. I also suspect many others will see it in a different way where they live. Most will probably be correct, from their perspective and experience.
Now I also think that change is always going on, mostly because we humans change. But give our earth some credit, too. It changes, too.
What I sense is that the "rate of change" in the status quo is both happening, and increasing, vice decreasing. Now most humans don't like change in any way it affects them. That is normal, too, I think.
So the good news is that change is happening. The bad news is that change is happening.
Now all I can report is about where I live, and experience life. Here on the Upper Cumberland Plateau in eastern Tennessee I can report what I see, or at least perceive. And I see the fall or decline of both of the present national political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. And I see the rise of some kind of third party, presently called the Tea Party.
Now in the coming times, like up until 2020, much friction will probably occur since to all human change is painful and not easy. What will accelerate the change is western people dying from being cold and hungry, which in theory our elected people who collect our taxes are supposed to make their priority. Hence I sense we may have to elect new representatives. And this assumes we can still vote here locally, and even federally.
And maybe we'll vote to go cold and hungry, though I doubt it.
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