
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Our future counts more than our past

What happens to our children and their kids is probably of more concern than what happened to us in our past. At least I think this.

Now many also think that the most recent past is a reliable way to predict the near future. Those who subscribe to this idea also may have a point.

And also many may know others who “carry the waters” of those who have gone before them. I suspect that emotion may play into this way of thinking, but I really don’t know. Anyway, in this scheme, the logic of our ancestors and their own problems in their times gets applied to us, today.

The last factor I think of is the “status quo”. The logic is that because it (whatever that is) has always happened, then it will always happen in the future. Now as a retired Marine, this idea is a hole I could drive a train thru, when given the opportunity, of course.

So what is our relatively near future to be? Who really knows?

And then there is one definition of happiness: good health and self-respect.

And so let me predict. This is always fun to do because there is no way to prove anything in any way.

But I predict we will promote our children and their happiness in any way we can. And any way we can may surprise us!

And I predict the future will be “American”, as in different from whatever other humans in our world do. I think we will be not too shabby.

In a perverse sort of way, maybe we will have made things better for our children, and their children.

There are so many reasons to think this. For example, many people think things are cold because the local weather is cold to them, and it is cold. But then speak with fellow Americans who bust ice in heated horse troughs in Nebraska, or simply put on more layers of clothes in New England, and the idea of American happiness becomes something maybe to brag about.

Or go without electricity during rolling black outs, and find out there are other ways to cook when the refrigerators and freezers fail to work long enough.

Anyway, while our “status quo” may be up for grabs, consider that our future may be much better. In other words, maybe our kids may be happy.

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