
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I always wondered what my ancestors thought during the times of the American Revolution

Now I was taught and accepted ideas like a distant imperial kind of English King and English parliament prompted what happened as an American revolution. The underlying idea then, as I was taught, was to mine our vast American people energy and land resources to promote business at home in England. Right or wrong, this is what I think today. There were many grievances, and also some good stuff. And I was also taught that most of our revolutionaries were in the minority, as in most American colonists were loyal to the King.

So fast forward to today. And I don’t believe any movie, as much as I also enjoy them, like the movie “The Patriot”.

So can one apply human experience and circumstances in their time to our circumstances and experiences in our time? Is there a common human kind of denominator that might help us today? I think so, since we humans are pretty much the same now as then.

So this voter thinks our present elected Legislature and Executive have imposed themselves on their ruled population. I accept all this, but what I fear is that the obvious reaction is not the vote, but something more akin to a revolt or a revolution. That is a bad course of action compared to the alternatives we have.

In the meantime, much of this is a moot point. When we as a country cannot borrow enough money to pay the bills, then federal politicians will have to do old fashioned kind of things, like set priorities and fight over spending. And all our taxes are considerable, both local, state, and federal. For example, what fellow human being would loan the USA $10 billion dollars for 10 years at an interest rate of 10%, or $100 million dollars; and then expect to get back $5 billion dollars in their principal in the end. Now the number will say $10 billion, but the spending power after inflation would be $5 billion. Now that is a bad deal. Since nobody knows what the future will really be, what would you do today?

And locally, are we to go without clean water supply or police protection to support the retirement benefits of teachers? Now these are the kind of reasons to vote.

Much friction is coming. Let us hope we go another route than our ancestors in the time period of 1776, But in the end, we will go our own route. And we also love our families and kids, and their opportunity for our American future.

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