
Monday, March 15, 2010

Can some people impose themselves on others?

The idea of the consent of the governed always bubbles to the top. This is so American.

Now the consent may not always be perhaps a good course of action, but by golly, it is the consent. Perhaps over time that consent idea will change? That is what politics and votes are about here in America. People, humans, Americans, have their own ways to look out for themselves, and promote their future.

And most also believe and pay taxes to the many levels of governments that rule us. There has always been faith and trust in our new world future, I think.

Now I also think in our Nation’s continuing evolution, there are those who want to impose their ideas on the rest of us. Good luck!

As long as we can vote for all levels of our rulers, school board, city, county, state, and federal, then things will sort out as always.

If other Americans want to change this in their way without the consent of the governed, then the poo poo will hit the fan.

I, for one, don’t think this will happen. I sure hope not, anyway.

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