Most of us are not bogged down by the past
We don’t have the time or luxury. The future is so much more important to Americans and their families. And the future means avoiding the 3 L’s: laziness, lying, and lawyers.
Laziness connotes physical laziness, but it is also intellectual laziness. Presidential candidate Thompson from Tennessee is often judged being lazy. Yet the Senate he belonged to is often called a “great deliberative body” while the historical evidence suggests intellectual laziness, in spite of the intents of the Constitutional framers. Apparently having the luxury of “only” having to run every six years appeals to intellectual laziness and the two party reality more than the original framers imagined?
Lying politician is an oxymoron. Some may call it “nuance” and “fine points”, even retreating to “just doing advertising” using our most modern methods. In an earlier time this was also called propaganda. Nothing much has changed as groups like “fact check” can be ignored by our “for profit” media, who either have some kind of group-like agenda, or just respond to the vast money raising political machines that do much of the news release work done (now augmented by taxpayer monies) in the past by the media. While our society’s love-hate relationship with the media continues, and it is unique in the world, the trend is more towards “hate” if even lying cannot be recognized and reported for what it is.
Lawyers are a necessary part of our litigious society. That we as an American society use the rule of law over royalty, fascist dictates (to include environmental), revolutions, and even spontaneous civil wars is a major advance in humanity. Yet when we as Americans consider going from the rule of law to the “rule of lawyers”, antennas naturally go up. The obvious conflicts of interest come to mind as we savvy the difference between our national and personal interests, and the obvious large-percentage-charges of our lawyers, especially our trial lawyers. Even war fighting should be about “politics by another means” and not extending our western legal constructs to our gunfighters. “War” means the politicians have failed, or at least come across an inscrutable foe who will not yield to political means.
The future is key. The immigration patterns suggest it all. People vote with their pocket books and feet and move to our western world. That we have terrible impacts from all this, be it the USA, or France, or England is a good kind of problem. And yes it is a problem. But one might consider the alternatives, as in we bail out of all this, “where to” I do not know. We have a good kind of problem as it affects our future. How we vote on our leaders to influence this is all about us, our future, and our progeny’s future.
And so on to the USA national federal vote for President. How many trust or believe in most of the present candidates, other than them manipulating the present system to win? How many candidates are focused on the national interests, and not just making it through their national party’s wickets, and their egos and their party's system? And why the focus on just the Presidential candidates? Our Congress still has much to say about our future!
There are many candidates for leading our Country out there. Many are running. Some are not. They are at the local, state, and federal levels. For our future, should we accept what we have been offered, or demand and support others? After all, it is our future.
We don't really have a choice but to accept what we are offered, unfortunately.
"The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you.
The above quote is taken from the article "Four Types of Government Operatives: Bullies, Muggers, Sneak Thieves, and Con Men " by Robert Higgs at The Independent Institute.
No attempt to understand government can succeed without a clear understanding of these ideal types and each one’s characteristic modus operandi. With this understanding firmly in mind, you will remain permanently immune to the infectious swindle, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” The truth, of course, is the exact opposite: I say again, the government—this vile assemblage of bullies, muggers, sneak thieves, and con men—is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you."
Sounds paranoid, but ...
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
I think many of us will agree there is an element of humanity that wants to control the rest of us. And not by the power of their ideas winning us over to their cause or belief, but just plain controlling us. While we certainly should admit this, we don’t have to accept this, and even go along. Even in America, a two party system is not in our Constitution, and there have been other parties throughout our history. And most of these parties sank of their own weight, aided by earlier Americans who would not go along with their status quo. My natural optimism says we are at that point again. Individual votes do not count for much, but many votes for individuals who think about our national interests before party’ interests will count a lot. And we American voters can be fickle since we are still in the driver’s seat in spite of the efforts of those who want to control us for all reasons, both good and bad.
Thank you for a civil discussion, also.
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