Hollywood’s handwriting is on the wall
After a run of almost 100 years, the industry may remain the same, but the leadership is certainly changing. And the leadership is about making money, not the ideology we all rant against. Let the old Hollywood type dinosaurs go the way of the past. Let the innovators figure out how to make money with all the expenses unique to Hollywood and California . In the meantime, let most us be entertained, which is what Hollywood is about to most Americans. Even if movie theaters suffer, we all enjoy the entertainment of Hollywood. This is a real American industry that can be superseded in time. And American loyalty goes as far as the pocket book. There are other alternatives. Watching British movies is one example. One thinks they have already been through their version of a Hollywood strike.
The recent writers strike in Hollywood has exposed to the public many things earlier left unsaid in California. Two things jump right out. One is the politics of so many in this industry to the point of not crossing picket lines. Second is the incredible greed of so many in this industry who are arguing and striking over the monies we common citizens pay.
This citizen is fed up, mostly with the selfishness about money, and the selfishness of so many in this industry to use their media openings to tell us their political position, as in we are to follow their lead and vote their way. And all most of us want to do is be entertained. And along the way, if we American good guys win and gain respect, that is fine too.
Most of us don’t suffer from egos and poor experience that suggests we can define America and women’s and men’s ideals. Most of us are just in love with our spouses in our own way. Many think this also applies to Hollywood and even California. What a wonderful movie idea, when it gets made.
So many Americans make this movie every day in their own lives!
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