
Saturday, November 17, 2007

The winds of change in the air about us

The status quo is evolving into something newer that, as always, cannot be changed, though many will try. The forces of resistance to change, the reactionaries, will be more sluggish in changing their course than a very large ship in the sea changes its course.

What is new is the beginning rise of national interests in priority as compared to national party interests. This beginning rise is at all levels from local to national. Getting a bigger piece of the pie and carving up the vast national wealth is going down in priority as children’s education and health rises up in priority. Homeland and personal security is rising up in priority as emphasis in time and money for individual rights is taking a lower priority to our collective group security rights. Good intentions vice affordable intentions can now be talked about and debated. The rising change in the status quo is long in the making, and takes decades to show itself. Collegiate sports are showing new priorities on academics and student athletes as compared to the old status quo of exploiting jocks as part of the income college football does generate. Women’s equality as half of humanity can be reinforced while recognizing the obvious, that boys and girls are different. Reactionaries can be exposed as extremists from both the right and left if their efforts are to slow the inevitable change in the status quo. The ability of the few to influence the many, without challenge or simply explaining why the “king has no clothes” is evolving to the light of day requiring explanations of why: be it decisions, money’s influence, or simple ego even to the point of using one’s past to solve tomorrow’s problems.

Two remarkable things come to mind when observing these winds of change. One is that reactionaries can be both from the left and right. In the old status quo, the term reactionary was always associated with the right. Second is the recognition that we are the “new world”, and that is something different from the “old world”. Practically speaking, we are not burdened by “old world” standards and values. And practically speaking, human wise not politician wise, humans are immigrating to the “new world” USA from the “old world”. Now this trend is a hint and indicator that change is about, and the status quo is changing.

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