
Saturday, October 05, 2013

Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

       Here's a link that may help many where they live:


Poster's comments:

I have several "emergency" type radios to help me try figure out things, be it life or even the local weather. Usually we use these kinds of radios during periods of calamity.

Recently, I bought an emergency radio that depends on only one type of battery, NiMH, which is a normal no-no to me. One should normally have at least two different sources of emergency electricity, like lithium and NiMH.

For example, in the last week I went 5 hours without electricity, and I did not know if the power would come back on in the next three minutes or the next three years. And the NiMH emergency battery had gone bad, like not even hand cranking it would get it going. And the alkaline batteries were corroding due to time. I was about ready to break out my Faraday cage newer emergency radio.

So I wanted to know today about any estimated shelf-life of this type of single source (NiMH)  battery. Obviously, nothing is certain. It's all a guess, in the end.

What I got was around five years, depending on the situation, of course. So I'll label everything, and hope no real emergency comes my way, which it probably will, eventually.

It's kind of like battery powered smoke alarms. Every so often you do want to check them ahead of time to make sure they will work as designed if the need arises. Same goes for emergency radios.

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