
Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is important to Americans

Is it our quality of life we enjoy these days? There are many reasons to think so.

This idea includes our government getting involved in charity to take care and provide opportunity to our perceived American have nots. In the meantime, there is still much USA private charity going on. Even our dead beats seem to benefit, depending on where one lives. And what is so sad is that we also turned so many of our mentally “off” people out to the urban streets about 50 years ago, and now they have to survive as homeless people.

This these days is not too important to Americans, I think.

What is important is quality of life to most Americans.

And so many American politicians (mostly federal), mostly in the last two or three decades ago, passed things like NAFTA, and other free trades laws. I think the consequence was an improvement of our quality of life. An example might be the clothes we wear, or the electrical widgets we use today. So many common Americans are living like royalty in earlier times. This is good, I think.

Along the way, I ask a question. Have we Americans given up our independence to be ourselves. If the answer is yes, then there are two obvious answers. One is yes, let other humans tell us what is going to happen. Second is no, we are going to be Americans and new world, and we will sort it out. In this case, the sorting out will be normally human, which is pretty neat in the long run.

Now that may be expensive (as in quality of life), but so have other cultures and tribes gone through this process. We are probably new world better, I hope.

One more thought. How much quality of life can we afford? Where I live on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, using a hammer drill also requires “bits”. One stone sign project took two bits from China and one bit from Brazil. Later I went to a German bit which cost much more, but it worked in the end. You go figure.

So what is our quality of life benefit going forward to be? I would suggest to vote.

Our vote, at all levels, school board, county, state, and federal, will best suggest what is important to Americans. And in this is the way to our future we choose to go.

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