
Monday, April 05, 2010

The idea of change in our American future is what most Americans want.

So many that voted for Obama, and his party, was on the hope of change. After all, after now decades of the alternative Democratic and Republican Party choices, well, so many Americans just wish they had another choice. Said another way, Obama is not the one as it has turned out.

Now we Americans still have to live in the real world, including our American world. And our world includes other elections other than federal, like state, county, local, and even school boards. And they impose taxes, too. We just have to sort it out, like normal.

So how do we go forward in our American future?

I don’t know.

But I suspect change is still coming, all for our best, at least in future voter’s minds, at all levels, by the way.

The key point is being able to vote.

I suspect many hard times are coming, and may last for decades. I just hope the latest “crisis” does not become an excuse to transition to some kind of royalty or dictatorship government. I just hope we can still vote at all levels, and for what we think is in our interests.

Now at least the German voters in their time elected people like Adolf Hitler to impose himself and his Party.

But we are different, and their method back then won’t work today in America. We are so different, and hopefully our future votes will express it.

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