Who speaks for Americans?
The present 2008 election cycle in the USA still seems too often like the status quo that has existed for decades. At all levels, local, state, and federal, much of the debate, discussions, and frictions, are still pretty much run by both national political parties, and their enablers to include party professionals, the media, and so many new public unions. Even that could be acceptable if the debate and worries about making things better for Americans was, well, about Americans. Somehow things have evolved to how the politicians will distribute our taxes for their personal and party visions about our future. For those that don’t like what is happening in too many school districts, or retirement benefits for our local government employees, or control of our southern borders, take that in your face. And in this is a trend worth noting.
Not too many decades ago, Americans running for office still responded to the voters. Now these same professional politicians hire really smart media managers with someone else’s money to manipulate us to do their will, and we go along if the status quo is to continue to exist. And as long as we could afford it, or borrow to support it, well, that was noble and idealistic in purpose.
What’s a shame is that we have voted for politicians who have resorted to borrowing to supplement all the wonderful promises and benefits for fellow Americans that got us to vote for them, the politicians. Now too many fellow Americans are left holding the bag, so to speak. How about their future taxpayer obligations, the requirement to work to generate these taxes that pay the retirements, and these taxpayers expectations about their future expectations. The whole scheme has been elevated to the federal level with too many relatives who are in fear of losing “benefits” of social security and mostly Medicare, and they will vote their fears. In the same vein, many younger Americans don’t want to be left “holding the bag”, so to speak. Why pay in with no expectation of pay out. Somethings got to change for our USA system to make sense for our old people. Hopefully it is not a night of the long knives, though that is an option.
The whole pathos, yes I mean pathos, is that our most wonderful quality of life that extends to most Americans will go on forever. It won’t in all likelihood. And this terrible forecast about our future is based on events dictating to us what will happen, vice we Americans dictating our own future.
For those who enjoy going to local plays, or even off-Broadway shows, they are most likely observing the final acts of the old status quo through the 2008 elections. America is not about the political dinosaurs going through their most gut wrenching changes compared to what they expected to happen, and all too often worked so hard for all their life, to include whom they married. America is about the future of our present citizens and our children, and all the gut wrenching changes we will have to make. Best case is that we will make these changes because we should do it for our own common interests. Worst case is that these changes will be dictated to us. Humble pie will come in when foreigners and other outsiders dictate to us, and we have to listen and implement. In turn, our new world status will allow us to accommodate quicker than those in the old world. Our old fall-back of vast national resources will work well in balancing ideals with mining and food resources.
In the same vein, we USA types will survive and still be the beacon for the whole world, albeit will adjusted and reasonable expectations. The results will not be by accident, but on purpose. And we will vote this way, since we will still be able to vote, thank goodness.
In the meantime our old world cousins will go through the turmoil they deserve…and think is normal.
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