
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Who are these people who assign minority status?

The best guess, since there is no answer, is “they” are unelected and self-assigned people who are good at promoting their “minority group”. It is kind of like trying to find out who is a “native American”. There are over 500 “officially” recognized tribes each whom seems to have its own definition of what it means to be in their tribe. But back to “minority status”. It could be based on social status, race, ethnic identification, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or whatever any self-appointed group wants to promote. Numbers don’t count, so even if women make up a majority of Americans, some group has promoted them as a minority. And just who is buying all this dumb stuff.

Several things are appalling to this American. I know our ancestors left the old world to get away from all these old world type problems in order to get a fresh start in the new world. And now so many of their descendents are trying to “go back”. Being tolerant is American, but being tolerant to all the multicultural diatribe over the last two decades or so has lost its appeal. While one seldom hears the term “melting pot”, that is what the new world and Americans in the USA are about. The present term of “multiculturalism” with its values that include equal moral standards is an invitation to new world cultural destruction and a return to old world problems. This whole episode in national and world history seemed silly and laughable until people and governments began implementing things like affirmative action, double standards, political correctness, recently carbon standards, and even a new reverse McCarthyism in Hollywood and the entire media industry. People trying to enforce all this are fascists in the old sense of the term. Hard to believe we have gotten back to this point. That this whole mentality has coincided with some new hedonism has made things worse to those who worry about the future of our American culture, our families, and our children. Most Americans know what this discussion is all about.

Best I can figure, those self-appointed and unelected people and groups who sell minority status are less idealists, and more promoters in it for themselves and their financial benefit. Of course some are academics and others with tenure and guaranteed retirements who do not have to worry about the consequences of their actions. Most of us Americans who do not speak out and object will just be left holding the bag, so to speak. And it will be a bag of worms, also so to speak.

Think financial ruin, growing corn in the desert, making your own clothes without electricity, wood stoves, carrying water in a bucket and having to boil it, pooping in a hole and night buckets, animal education, dieing from sickness, etc. Most of the world already lives this way. And it is not romantic in the long run. It is work. Communes and other such socialist’s ideals always fail on these most basic points. There are better alternatives.

Most appalling is how unelected people can make up and promote “minority status” as a means to their end. And why do the “minority status” groups really allow themselves to be used for the perceived advantages they may receive. Of course the scheme is so basic to be exploited, since the “minority status” group is seldom an organized political entity. And so the unelected and self appointed people and groups do what used to be called extortion and things like it, though it is considerably dressed up in political tones these days. None of this is what new world America and the melting pot is about. At worst, idealism has been taken over by those with criminal instincts, or even worse, anti-human instincts. And here’s a key point, these criminal type people need to be stomped out, as in eradicated. The period of toleration and idealism has been superceded by the threat to our new world American culture. Now this is what socialism can be about, both nationally, new world, and even old world.

This dim-witted American appreciates the subtleness of British humour, but naturally tends towards sarcasms. So where and when does this “minority group” angry white male go to vote?

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