
Sunday, December 16, 2007

The rise of the elite ruling classes in the USA new world is something new

We did not elect most of them, but somehow they got to today’s positions. All this has happened in a matter of recent decades.

It is human in instinct, smacks of the old world royalty, often reflects business successes in our past, and is generally accepted by many of the ruled classes. Yet it is in fact newly arrived to the USA new world, and is unhealthy for our future and our children’s future. Said another way, is our loyalty to a constitution, or to a person or family? Of course the answer is automatically “a constitution”, but how many have really thought about it here at home? That others have thought about this, and choose to emigrate to our new world suggests “a constitution” is the better course of action for their future. And voting counts more than propaganda to tell us what “they” think.

In the not too distant past, the divide and conquer strategy tended to be one of class warfare. Rich against poor, white against black, urban against rural, and even now immigrant against native always were the normal political routines. Never was national interest and culture even brought up. But now it seems the elite ruling classes have either become lazy, or just assuming, by dictating the media reporting, the debate questions for the 2008 elections, and even standards of decency where “lying” is now accepted as normal, and one has to use the term “appalling” to try differentiate what is happening today. This my fellow citizens, is different, and a good indicator that we in the USA new world have a new divide, and it is one between the elite ruling classes and the rest of us. The friction is about our future, and how it is to be.

Let me run the numbers. There are about 300 million Americans. The elite ruling class type people can’t number more than 1 million, and more like 25,000 is a good guess. And as Mahatma Gandhi said about India and the Brits, the vast majority has to agree to let these people rule them in order for it to happen. So why are we even letting them have their way? The answer is the vote, to include the pocket book vote. Only then will old world royalty ideas and propaganda and human infatuation be subject to the new world types who do get one vote in our federal republic. Let me be less “sensitive”. The future of the “whole” world is our “new” world, and most are on board just by living here and voting. While perhaps a crude standard, it beats Sri Lanka, for example. And nothing against the Sri Lanka people, including the rebel Tamils. I am sure they are all fine people. But here in the new world USA , the elites can catch up, or go the way of the dinosaurs.

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