
Friday, November 30, 2012

The good enough idea
       The intent of this post is to focus on the military in the new world USA.
            The idea could apply to many other things, too. Use your imagination, if you will. The subject is as big as the new world USA.
            The subject  of this post is the a good way way to downsize the American military. The mission remains the same...defend our Country and our way of life.
            Now my perspective is that when we went all volunteer a few decades ago, many thought the idea of the Reserves and the National Guard would continue as in the Vietnam timeframe. In others words, they would probably never be activated and deployed in harm's way. Said another way, this was a political decision (to activate and spin up) that most politicians would pass on. Even I thought, so, too, and at the time.
            Now look at what has happened. Surprise, surprise. Many Americans in the Reserve and National Guard have been spun up and deployed into combat. Good on them, and their Families, Americans all. And today's population and politicians supported all this.  And some people did die in combat. And the Families at home did have crummy health care while their spouses were away. And it all sorted out, including welcome home parades for these fine people who did return home.
            It just sort of didn't sort like I even predicted decades ago.
            Good on we Americans who help defend our Country these days.
            So how are we going to downsize in the next decade?
            Now to me it is about defense of our Country, not protecting jobs.
            One can expect much friction in this regards, too.

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